We are pleased to welcome Gumdrop Books Canada as a bronze sponsor of the Connected through Literacy Conference.

From Allan's Educational Blog.
    Well, that's a very good question. The concept of information literacy has changed over the years but I think that one of the best known definitions I have found still belongs to ACRL. In Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, information literacy is defined as "a set of abilities requiring individuals to 'recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information'" (ACRL, 2000, p. 2). 

    Part of the reason I like this definition is that it is general enough to encompass the changing digital environment. However, much of the literature in the field makes the point that information literacy encompasses a wide array of literacies including numeracy, language acquisition, and, yes, technology. So, let's consider some other terms that have begun to be used with, or in relation to, the concepts of information literacy.

   Terms such as 21st century learning, digital literacy, media literacy, data literacy, transliteracy, technology literacy, and critical thinking are common.  Simply, information literacy has become a term that encompasses a wide spectrum of specific skills and concepts.  AASL (2005) in Standards for the 21st century learner, states, “Information literacy has progressed from the simple definition of using reference resources to find information. Multiple literacies, including digital, visual, textual, and technological, have now joined information literacy as crucial skills for this century” (AASL, 2005).

    The call for presenters went out this week. Although the deadline for presenters isn't until April, we encourage you to think about what you would like to hear at the Conference and how you could participate. If you have any ideas, please fill out the form found on the Call for Presentations page  We all have had times that we have thought, "I wish I knew more about X." Well, this is your opportunity to get the informatiion you are looking for. If you have questions about a topic you can be sure others have the same question.
    There are a lot of great people quietly doing great work in their libraries and classrooms. They may not think they are doing anything different or special but you know that they have something to share. If you know of one of those quiet stars, please let us know. Sometimes all it takes is an invitation.
    Talking about invitations, here's one for you; if you are interested in helping out with the Conference please let us know. We are always looking for enthusiastic people to keep our Association fresh.